Sunday, January 08, 2006

the art of procrastination

I am one of the best procrastinators I know. My middle sister Dana is very good as well. I have taken up knitting. It is a perfect enabler for the Procrastnator. I will put off tasks that need to be done until the bitter end and time is running out. Not all things.. but bedtime... I will sometimes put off the turning out the light to finish a chapter... work on my new knitting project... read other people's blogs... I will start a baking project to avoid cleaning the floor....


Stacy said...
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Stacy said...

Let me try that again...
My house is always the cleanest when there are bills to pay. Apparently realizing that I'm broke is easier to handle when things are clean and calm.

MommaKim said...

I don't know if this is pure procrastination...more like choosing pleasure over drugery.
This is why we should all be assigned our own cleaning ladies. How much less stressful would life be if we ALWAYS had a clean home (and/or vehicle)????
Oh, and next on my list is my own hairstylist. How much more confident and, therefore; how much more would you accomplish every day if you had great hair????
Think about it--I am being completely serious...althought I am a bit concerned about my use of the semi-colon.....argg, grammar.

RW said...

Oh. Yeah. A clean house so I could focus my time and energy on something else.... how about someone to just take care of the laundry. Laundry is an ugly monster.... where does it all come from....honestly. I wear casual clothes to work and it seems like I wear the same thing over and over again.... who is wearing all these clothes... well I have an almost 11 year old daugher who produces a fair bit ...

kimberley francis said...

kim, your comment reminds me of Maxine Hancock's "Living on Less and Liking it More!" from the '70s. She's all about investing in a proper haircut!

Ramona, do you know how much i LOVE folding. The next time I'm over, just set me up with a basket of t-shirts, and I'll have all your closets looking like a club monaco! ;) i actually use the folding paddle technique. how can you NOT love folding? it's incredibly cathartic... ahhh... folding....

RW said...

OK, my friend- if you want to fold -you can fold!

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