Monday, February 20, 2006

absolutely fantastic

In this magazine there is body of work from Fritz Liedtke featuring adolescents. It is one of the most inspiring series of photos I have seen in a long time.

It makes me long to dust off my SLR and point and shoot. Oh wait, my SLR is broken... maybe that is why I stopped taking photos...

Anyways... I checked out the magazine online which led me to something called The Crossing... which is defunct but in it there was a reference to Scott Cairns.. whom both Stacy and Victoria referred to. I love that.

Get thee to a bookstore and look at Fritz's photos.


RW said...

my links didn't work... I am too tired to repost... will try and fix it tomorrow.

Kassianni said...

ramona, you are a photographer extraordinaire.
I think we should start a fund to buy you a new slr.
you know, they're going cheap now, for a used, what with everybody going digital. in fact, i'm hoping to cash in on cheap darkroom supplies out of somebody's discards...

RW said...

What a generous idea...but, I think I just need to start looking in the Buy and Sell. Recommit myself to taking photographs! I hear that Krut is building you a darkroom. I think that there is probably enough of us to start some type of st. hermans cooperative for the supplies - what do you think?

Seriously these photos of the adolescents are amazing.

thomasw said...


you are making me look bad here! you overlook the fact that i bought you a great slr setup and you took it back. accordingly the only reason you haven't been taking pictures is because you chose to take back my gift to london drugs! don't you remember?

RW said...

sheesh. Well in hindsight...

Unknown said...


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