Sunday, March 16, 2008

the List

I visited the library yesterday.
Everytime I stepped out to plant my lettuce it started to rain. Then, I would get involved in another project and forget about the the lettuce. Then, I would head back out and it was raining again. So, I went to the library and took books about kitchen gardens. I think I am going to plan my plot a little differently this year. A more artisitic approach to the the garden. More flowers too. Anyways... while at the library I also picked up some magazines. One was the January copy of REALSIMPLE. The editorial featured something called the LIST. It is your go-to list of products/friends/actions that you can depend on. They don't ever disappoint. They bring comfort and order to our universe. I started to think my LIST.

1. Coffee - preferrably Starbucks French Roast with creme

2. Bath before bed. Even if I have showered. In fact, I mostly bathe to relax.

3. Going to the Libary - I love the library. I love going to pick up books I have ordered. I love the idea that I might stumble on something new. I love reading magazines and this is way less expensive if I read the issues from a couple of months ago.

4. Post it Notes - a small bundle of post it notes in crazy bright colours makes me very happy about going to work. Pens too!

5. The Mountain Goats. Friends introduced me to this band last year. They are the best! We had the fortune to go to a concert and I was right at the front and they were even more awesome than I could possibly imagine. So, listening to the Goats makes life better.

6. Orthodox Liturgy - yep. going to church. the irony of the situation is that there are just some days when you think it would just be better to not go; you need the extra 5 hours on Sunday to do laundry or rest or buy food for the family.... and you don't go and you are miserable and the week stretches on and you can hardly believe you made such a stupid decision because your life begins and ends with God.

7. Campbells Cream of Mushroom Soup

So, I don't really have alot of products yet....


Mimi said...

Great list!

Kassianni said...

I like your list.

T. said...

Great list! I love Real Simple as well!! I hadn't thought about getting them from the library :-).

My list would include many of the things yours does :-)

Jess said...

Take off the cream of mushroom soup, and we are on the Same Page. Substitute it with bergamot, and we're good to go.

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