Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lazarus Saturday

By raising Lazarus from the dead before Thy Passion, Thou didst confirm the universal resurrection, 0 Christ God! Like the children with the palms of victory, we cry out to Thee, 0 Vanquisher of Death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord!

(Troparion of the Feast, sung on both Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday)

It is begun. The descent into Holy Week begins today with Lazarus Saturday. My family will all be at church cleaning and scrubbing and preparing it for the week ahead. We will have friends over for dinner who will help wrap the jars with cellophane. The tulips have been procurred. Final plans are being discussed. It is good.


Mimi said...

Prayers on this Feast Day, and throughout this most Blessed week.

Jess said...

One of my favorite troparia (although we do a different translation). I get all choked up.

blackbird said...

I love reading about your preparations for this important time.

biss said...

This is the time of year when P & I are most homesick. The reverence of Holy Week and the Joy of Pascha are so beautifully actualized out there, and we are saddened that we can't experience it with you all once again. Our hearts ache to be with you, and yet we know that the Joy of Pascha can come wherever we are and we look forward to celebrating it here as well.

I'll never forget my first Holy Friday vigil there. When I walked in and saw the funereal table with the deep red and purple flowers. It took my breath away and made Christ's death (and "impending" resurrection) more immediate to me.

The gift you give by taking care of all those flowers, lights, etc.--It is very valuable. You have touched my heart.
Thanks, R.

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