Saturday, May 03, 2008

all quiet except for ....

The dishwasher... because I ignored the dishes last night and didn't load and didn't nag anyone else to load...

The washing machine because you know that we have the neverending laundry cycle going on in our house. There is never a day when it is completely done. In fact we now have a laundry annex. The laundry is washed and dried and then dumped on the blue couch in the newly christened laundry annex - this is where our desktop computer resides - and this room also serves as a practise room for the dancing daughter.

No music this morning. And no talk radio. I don't want to listen to the home renovation show that is on my regular station and I don't want to tune the radio to a different station as it is a very particular radio and you have to spend alot of time to tune just right so there is minimal static and wierd background humm.

I am off to work soon. The household is still sleeping. It is a "short" day. I am off at 3.15. The plan is to take all the empty bottles back this afternoon. Then hit the nursary and perhaps buy plants to pot tomorrow. That is the plan. We will have a BBQ supper. It will be Mr. W's job to organize the food.

I am still looking for a green handbag. Minimal hardward. I am not into alot of buckles and zippers etc.

Off to work early as I need more caffiene and I don't want to take the last bit at home because that would be cruel. There is almost nothing worse than waking up and not having your morning coffee before you leave the premises.

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