Thursday, November 05, 2009

mid week

I am feeling a tad bit tired today.
I wonder why I procrastinate so much.

On the list:

Doctor appointments for the youth in the household.
Passports need to be finished - don't say anything - this is an embarrassment - really what is my issue?
Gingerbread photo shoot.
Email the football team - someone grabbed my son's helmet by mistake.

On the other side of the things I have done:

drove daughter and friend to ballet, drove son to football, arranged pickup for daughter and picked up son from football - in between I exercised for 40 minutes - 40 minutes is the key - that extra 10 minutes is making the difference

dishes unloaded and loaded - some stomping of feet as this could have been done by somebody else
coffee procured so we don't have another morning without
made some juice - sure did

now I will make some lunches

gosh my life is exciting.


Natalia said...

how is your ear/balance doing?

elizabeth said...

Well, it is life as it is... I always have more that I want to do than I do at a given time as well...

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