Friday, December 18, 2009

six things on a Friday

  1. last day of work until the 29th - so super excited about my time off
  2. dinner with good friends tonight - it has been ages since we have had a chance to visit and despite every good intention to see the regularly through the term it has not happened.
  3. last day to make lunches - at this point - they are getting crackers and mandarin oranges
  4. I left my bag of yarn and have finished project at the hair salon last night - here is hoping that someone found it and put it aside for me.
  5. thinking about thinking about final preparations. at this point I am not even thinking about what is left to do until I am officially on holidays.
  6. I am accepting the chaos at home right now


Mimi said...

Yay, Enjoy your time off, and the yummy dinner out.

elizabeth said...

nice. hope it is a restful refreshing time.

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