Saturday, January 09, 2010

six things


  1. good gracious, it is still very dark - I am craving light in a big way
  2. I am incredibly grateful my local library is literally across the street from where I work
  3. the boys shall head off to see a movie today
  4. I am off at 3pm.  I have no clue what we will have for dinner.
  5. the Laundry has reached critical mass
  6. we need to buy some brown rice


elizabeth said...

yes... but the light is on it's way back! I walked to vespers (in very cold weather ! WOW was it cold tonight!) and the sun was setting! I could STILL SEE it. tres excited. and I realized that from here on in it will only get lighter again... somehow I felt a lot better!

Anna Ander said...

That's a beautiful library sign. Hope you've had more light today.

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

I like this post. I adore my local library too. Public libraries are fabulous institutions. I often wait to plan dinner until the last moment and your laundry situation...I've certainly been there as well. Hope it all worked out for the best.

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