Friday, February 26, 2010

10 things for which I am grateful

Jane from At Upper Pond posted 10 things that make her happy.  I am thankful for the reminder to focus on the goodness in my life.  My 10 things today are:

  1. the sunshine - blue skies - light - especially after a dark day
  2. the fact that I can still crawl into bed with my children and hold them tight
  3. starbucks french roast - pressed into an americano
  4. a job - and a company that is flexible enough to allow me to roll with the challenges I have been facing these past two weeks.
  5. coworkers who make me laugh
  6. reading a good book
  7. a supportive community - both online and off
  8. my littlest sister
  9. a quiet evening
  10. my laptop that allows me to blog while watching Canada vs Slovakia


elizabeth said...

nice... love to you.

Mimi said...

Wonderful list, indeed!

Anna Ander said...

Good to be on your list!


Jane said...

Great list...I'm trying to read more lately, which keeps me away from the computer.

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