Wednesday, September 15, 2010

random bits


The reality of our lives has become evident. In order to function smoothly time must be spent organizing. Planning. Spontaneous dinner arrangements do not work well for this family as a rule. Rides to and fro must be considered. Who is going to be where and when and for how long and do you have a ride home? Do you have your photo order form? Did you pay your school fees? Do you have your gym strip in your bag. Lunch? Are you sure you don't want to eat some breakfast?

It is Wednesday. Garbage/ recycling day. Laundry break down - a revisiting of chores and responsibilities. Homework. Friendship drama.

Overdue library books - because one was lost and then found in the Okanagan. The other is just lost. I will find it.

Journey on.


elizabeth said...

lost books; yep; been there, done that...

sounds like a normal school year beginning; always a bit to figure out...

we are half way through the week; thinking of you.

Natalia said...

ahhh mushrooms! love the mushrooms!

i love and hate being organized. i love organizing when i have other things to do that i a putting off. and i hate organizing when i have to do it.

Anna Ander said...

Random bits. Sometimes it feels like that's all there is.

Hope you find that book!

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