Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Friday

Since I have switched to the compressed shift - and have Saturdays off I have turned into a true weekend warrior.  Friday becomes THE day.  My mind starts to shift to the things I need to get accomplished on my days off.  And I have a lot on the list.  Monday will be devoted to tending to domestic needs.  The home is in definite need of some care and attention.

My son has his first official shift tonight.

My daughter has lost yet another house key.  I don't get it.

Work continues to present some serious challenges - lots of questions and asking why and not alot of answers.

Hoping to get some film developed.  And scanned.


Kassianni said...

my daughter can't keep track of a house key to save her life.
j. is the only one who still has his original housekeys.

Sarah in Indiana said...

I don't even know how many sets of keys I lost as a teenager. I still have trouble keeping track of them, but I haven't lost any permanently in 10 years. I found car keys were always much bigger pain to replace than house keys were, though.

Unknown said...

I'm not going to lie... that photo gives me the creeps.
I'm not a circus, doll, puppet person. :)

I feel like a weekend warrior even though I'm currently not working, as it means my husband returns from wherever and we do together . Usually apart, but still, it feels different than the weekdays.

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