Tuesday, March 15, 2011



Yesterday had to be one of the least productive Mondays in a long time.  My energy was spent driving here to there and then there and back.  I read a few articles online.  I swept my kitchen floor.  I made dinner.  As soon as I delivered my daughter safely home after work I crashed.  I was done.

I don't know how we got here.  Now.  If you had asked me 3 years ago where and what we would be struggling with I know I would not have been close to predicting our lives in 2011.  At what point or juncture did things go wonky?  Or did they?  Maybe this is just where we are supposed to be.

Really.  Do I think that?  Do I think that I had done B, rather than A,  we would not be here.  Would we be someplace else?  Does it really matter in the long run?  It is day by day.  One foot in front of the other.

My husband's asthmatic cough has made an appearance.  It sneaks up on you and then one day you realize how often you hear it.  This is a concern.  One more week till spring break.  We are hanging on by a thread.


elizabeth said...

Will pray. including to the Mother of God who cares so much for us and for families.

blackbird said...

I'm thinking of you...

Kassianni said...

but it is strong thread if I know the w's at all.
thoughts and prayers for you my friend.

MacrinaQuin said...

and keep on hanging. don't you let go. in the end, it'll be worth it. that's what they say.

Unknown said...

oh, I've been away....
thinking of you always.
love love .

theresia said...

prayers for you and your family; this phase,too, shall pass and, hopefully, when it's over, everyone will feel new strength.

Natalia said...

Hang in there. Praying for you.

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