Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blogging by phone again

Sheesh. First world problems. Final person in the household has been converted to a Game of Thrones fan. My daughter is watching Season One right now. The rest of the family are counting down the days till Season Three begins.

Tossed around a volleyball at bootcamp today. Everyday is different. But, it brought back some rather horrific high school memories. Interesting. Things that I have not remembered in a very long time.

The first publisher I ever worked for passed away earlier this week. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January and gone in February. Harsh. He definitely installed in me a love of community newspapers. And I give him some credit for being back in the world of publishing now.

I won tickets to a hockey game this Saturday night. And I am bowling for Big Brothers and Sisters Saturday afternoon.

Writing and story telling retreat in the Pacific NW in the fall. How much do I want to go to that!


elizabeth said...

I think that retreat could be very lovely.

Kassianni said...

it's weird that you say in the fall. what if we're not even here? weird weird thought.

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