Thursday, March 07, 2013

Blogging by phone again

Don't much like it.
Thursdays are good days. Definitely my favorite week day. There is a chance to pause and take a breath. The papers are published and there is a 5 day break between issues. It is a day to get out and connect with people. I have not been using my camera much these days. I wonder why. Bootcamp continues to challenge and convict me. Learning how to box jump. I cannot jump 18 inches just yet but I will! Our best friends are moving very far away. For two years. I am filled with mixed emotions. As God wills. Both my children are working and the quiet nights are glimpses into our future. Strange.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

good to see you here; missed you here; it is hard to have the best of friends move away; but as you said, as God wills.

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