Saturday, January 26, 2008


We have discovered LOST - the TV series produced by J.J. Abrams.
It all began with certain blackbird posting a clip from
I found the talk to be very inspiring and showed it to my son.
We have been talking alot about the "mystery box".

Anyways... we have watched 12 episodes. We will watch some more tonight. There is some good story telling happening. I hear the story becomes more and more complicated as the series goes along.

We are all quite engaged. We all tumble into our rather humble TV room with our non flatscreen -non LCD - very uncool television and watch the show together. It is a good time.


Kassianni said...

we are addicted to this show.
the only thing that worries me (and many viewers), is that the writers have not thought the story through to its conclusion, and that there actually is no real resolution to any of the mysteries yet.
but, it's still just so darn entertaining that we keep coming back for more anyway.
it's so good, eh?

Heroes is also EXCELLENT. We've finished the Lost series (as far as we can, we don't have cable, so we rely on DVD rentals) and are totally hooked on Heroes.

try it. you'll like it. :)

blackbird said...

It's funny - you wouldn't think television would be a good way to spend family time, but I find that the plot can be discussed, that each person has their favorite characters, and that we can each talk on what we think might happen...which makes for decent family time.
Middle watches Lost (of course)but we ALL watch Survivor.

Mimi said...

I was dragged kicking and screaming to the LOST party, but now I really enjoy it. Dh got Season III for Christmas, so we have finished it up and are ready for the premiere of Season IV on Thursday night.

Donna Farley said...

oh boy-- now you are in for it! ;-)

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