Thursday, February 21, 2008

here we go again....

We are heading towards the end of second term. Two weeks ago I sent an email to my daughter's core subjects teacher checking in to see how she is doing... is she missing any assignments etc? I did not get an immediate response.

Now I have an email in my box stating that she is missing a bunch of assignments is feeling kidding! She is catching up but the point is that in grade 8 she will not get a second chance. Organization is the challenge. She needs a way to keep organized that she can work with. She has an agenda but I can only ask if she has filled it out and check it. I am off on Mondays now so I think I will be visiting the school to see what assignments are due when so I can better monitor the situatiion.. but I don't want to the be the monitor... I want her to do it herself. Blah.


Mimi said...

I don't know, I go through the same thing with my nearly 17 year old.

blackbird said...

Me too...I've never figured out how to avoid it.

Anna Zupancic said...

I was like Hannah... didn't care about assignments and almost failed classes because I never handed things in. An interim report card showing 52% was the shock I needed to smarten up. And then, although somewhat controversial for many parents, mom and dad starting offering to pay for good grades. The rationale was that school is my job-- $5 for a B, $10 for an A ($15 if it was an honors class)-- double if I got straight A's. That turned things around for me. Money may not be the incentive for Hannah but perhaps there are other carrots to dangle before her?

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