Friday, March 14, 2008

phones, computers and darkness

We have switched to Daylight Savings Time. It is now light out when I leave work. Even when I leave work at 7pm! Which is quite fantastic. I have much more energy to do some required household tasks upon my return. And it didn't bother me too terribly much that both of my children had TWO writing assignments due tomorrow and then all had to be proofread and edited before bed.

We used to have 2 laptops. Now we have one; which is Mr.W's work computer and goes to school every day. We were fortunate to be able to pick up this eMac from a coworker who was moving up in the apple world. But, there is a line up to get on the thing. We are going to have to come up with some sort of schedule.

We are hoping to purchase new Mac for the desktop with a really big monitor this fall. The son is quite keen to make movies and we can then use the monitor as an alternative for watching DVD's as well. But, where will this one go? We are having some space challenges as well.

Our phones are on their last legs. The contract expires in July. We need to shop for those as well. We also discussed the merits of putting our kids on the network.... still undecided. I want a basic phone. I don't need a camera. I don't need to download music. I do need voicemail.

We have lost the light in the morning and I am finding it very difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. As I write this it is still very dark outside. A trade off, I suppose.

We have liturgy tonight. California rolls apres liturgy. And then 3 days off for me. A good break for the remainder of the family.
It shall be a good day!


Mimi said...

I'm the same with phones - when it rings, can I answer it? That's all I need.

But, sadly, now my boss does texting so I shall have to get on board soon :)

RW said...

oh. not the texting... I am very lame at texting.

Jess said...

"Apres liturgy" - I think I'm going to have to start working that into my conversations.

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