Saturday, June 21, 2008

the best thing about my job.....

I love to hear people's stories. In my job, I get to ask questions. I genuinely love to hear the answers.

has a great clip from a fabulous site StoryCorps - go check them both out.

It dawned on me the other that the people I meet are all inspirations for characters. They can all be starting points. Two can be combined into one. I just have a difficult time making the time to get my rear end in the chair and do the writing. That is an understatement. I struggle with Resistance. I am the Queen of procrastination. There is always something else I could be doing and I usually do it. You know - the laundry, or banking. Or list making. I am a list maker extraordinaire.

I take inspiration from Eleanor who not only writes but sends it out and asks for feedback. I am humbled. And impressed. And motivated.


In other news -

My son's last guitar lesson was yesterday. I am saddened a little, but playing guitar is not my son's passion. He is still working on finding it. On the other hand, my daughter has found her passion: dance - and her recital is Tuesday and Wednesday and so life revolves around dress rehearsals and ballet ribbons and hairpins and tutus and all the drama that goes with being a type A dancer.


alice c said...

Hairspray! Ballerinas need lots of hairspray as I know only too well.

As for the guitar thing - just let it go. I forced my son to play the 'cello and it was like making water move uphill. It was a great relief to us all when he passed his exam and could give up with honour.

blackbird said...

Your son will find his passion too...I'd love having a dancer in the house. I've got plenty of guitar players.

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