Friday, September 26, 2008

meme of sorts

simplyvictoria and bluecanopy did this:

outside my window: It is late. It is dark but a clear night. No fog.

daily rhythm: The parents rise. Mr. W uses the shower first, while I boil the kettle, pull the shots, cook the eggs - Mr. W descends and we wake the son. Who is quick to shower, and put in his contacts. He tags his sister, who definitely is the most HIGH MAINTENANCE of us all. In the middle of all this, I kiss my husband goodbye and get ready myself. I throw some lunches together - remind my son to feed and water the dog and I depart. H and L walk to school.

I am thankful for a work schedule that allows me every second Saturday off.

In the kitchen there remains leftover pizza - Friday is generally pizza night in our household.

Breakfast - 7 minute eggs, or toast with peanut butter and jam, or yogourt with blueberries and almonds

Lunch - we have been making wraps

Supper - see above

I am wearing - flannel pj bottoms crafted by my mum, and a my son's hoodie that no longer fits (yes, I am wearing my 13 year old son's hand me downs)

I am creating
- I have just dug out a scarf I started late spring

Bringing beauty to my home
- tomorrow we will finish emptying the terracotta pots - and transition to some fall planters

I am reading - the local newspapers; I just received an email that my copy of The Cellist from Sarajevo has arrived

I am hoping that my son will have a good football game tomorrow.

Around the house
- complete and utter chaos!

Making plans
- need to work on some different meal plans for the next few months, rethinking career choices.


elizabeth said...

Lots going on. Nice to have a picture of how things are for you. hang in there with the teens; i am now in my early 30's but i know my Mom thought my childhood was going to be eternal!! it passes. you and family are on my prayer wall.

Mimi said...

This is lovely to read! Tell us about the Cellist of Sarajevo. oooooh.

And, thank you for asking - football is going well, so far they are winless, but seem to be having a good time. How is your season?

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