Friday, July 17, 2009


This morning I woke to:

  • beautiful, blue skies
  • warm sunshine
  • a quiet. peaceful house
  • a dishwasher full of dirty dishes - someone forgot to turn it on after their shower
  • a changed mind - I was going to go into work early but it is a long day at the best of times so opted to show up when I am paid to show up
  • a long board in the middle of the sun room
  • a camera with dead batteries
  • a desire to get out in the garden - this won't happen until Sunday - as Saturday we are off to Bard on the Beach to see A Comedy of Errors
  • 3 new mosquito bites - minimal activity this year
  • resigned myself to the cost of the repair of the vehicle (another post)


Mimi said...

We are going to see "A Comedy of Errors" tomorrow ourselves. I've never seen or read it, so should be fun.

We are also seeing King John, which I like because Eleanor of Aquitaine makes an appearance :)


elizabeth said...

work - hard to know what the right balance is; I am more on the I have a life outside of it side...

enjoy the play!

sorry to hear of the repair cost :(

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