Friday, August 21, 2009

six things on a Friday

  1. cooler temperatures - I am slowly seeing the transition into another season and to be frank I am OK with that. I am looking forward to buying some new tights, bringing out old favourite sweaters, football season and dance classes.
  2. Twinings Earl Grey tea - I have rediscovered my love for a cup of tea. With milk.
  3. We are making homemade pizza tonight. I will make a "margarita" - fresh tomatoes, spinach and mozzarella.
  4. the fall fashion magazine issues should be out - I buy these every year because I get the best value for my money. This is the only time I buy Vogue. It is a doorstop.
  5. I am learning to use my husband's Leica rangefinder - we threw in some colour film and I am experimenting with depth of field.
  6. planning a trip to the local fair - it opens tomorrow but we are busy all weekend and I am back to work on Tuesday so it looks like it will be a night time adventure.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

I like this tea as well.

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