Saturday, September 26, 2009


Saturday has such a different feeling from the rest of the week. It is not Sunday. It is not a regular work day. I like Saturdays. I would like it better if I did not have to work. I miss being with my family. But, I like getting up early knowing that the only person I need to be responsible for is myself. I can sit and drink my americano for as long as I want. I don't need to ensure my teenage son is getting out of bed, that my daughter has freed up the bathroom. That they have some kind of lunch thing going on.

It is a short work day. Officially I am off at 3.15 - so there is enough time to quickly run home and catch a ride to the football game. Kick off is 3.30 - we will be a little bit late. But, we will be together and we can all ride home in one vehicle.

And then my weekend begins. I am so close to finishing up our passports. So close. It has taken me forever and I am not sure why. Procrastination played a big part. But, it is time to get them finished. I hope to drop them off at the passport office Monday.

We will adjust our meal planning slightly as Mr. W will now be away in the city taking a B & W photo/ development course until Christmas. Which means we can eat the things he doesn't particularly like: thin crust pizza and tomato soup.

Enjoy your day.



elizabeth said...

Thinking of you! Enjoy your posts as always

avery said...

yes, saturdays are nice.

avery said...

sigh! once again, c'est victoria, not aves.

Mimi said...

Beautiful! Best football wishes.
And, Dh and I both do that - eat what the other doesn't like when they aren't home.

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