Monday, September 14, 2009

winning and losing

The craziest thing happened this morning. I stumbled downstairs and flicked the radio on - as per my usual routine - turned on the coffee maker and plugged in the kettle - the announcer was talking about a contest to win tickets to hear the Dalai Lama speak. He offered up a quote with a missing word and asked us to email the answer in. I knew the word. I thought about entering the contest. But, I could not find the lap top immediately and I never win... by the time I get around to opening my email and sending in the missing word it will be too late... but then I did it anyways.... I didn't listen to the "don't bother" voice in my head/ heart and guess what?

I won the 2 tickets to hear the Dalai Lama speak.

I just about fell out of my chair when I hear my name called out on the radio.

How cool is that? Very cool.

I have to say that I don't really know too much about the Dalai Lama except that he is held in high regard and has lived and witnessed much. But, now I will find out.

That is the winning.

The losing. My son's team lost their first game of the season. They lost by a large margin. They managed one TD and they did not give up but it was clearly over by the end of the first half. It will be an interesting season.


Natalia said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! That's really exciting that you won those tickets! I saw the dalai lama at a student conference in my grade 12 year, it was very interesting. I came away thinking to myself that it was a little too wishy-washy... Christ did not come into this world to bring peace, but a sword...
but anyway, it's still absolutely worth it! I'm really glad for you :o)

Matthew Francis said...

Cool about your win. Over a decade ago I read a book, called something like "The Good Heart" which was a collection of published lectures by the Dalai Lama on the Gospels. Yes, our Christian Gospels. It was really quite amazing to get his fresh perspective on these weighty words. I'd recommend it!
- Matthew

Kassianni said...

very very cool!!

MacrinaQuin said...

tres cool!

elizabeth said...


hope your son has a win soon!

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