Tuesday, December 08, 2009

a new version

Found this odd version of the Little Drummer Boy - it is fitting for how I am feeling right about now. Lots going on; a bit of discord. Thankful for the time to just sit and rest. There is a still a mountain of laundry happening here. The Kilimanjaro of laundry piles but I am blissfully ignoring it. It is not reasonable to do laundry at such an hour. I am thinking about what kind of food to provide on Saturday - some veggies and dip. Spanakopitas. Cheese and crackers. Fruit and some good sweet things. The family is coming over here after the Christmas recital. I am looking foward to it.


Anna Ander said...

Nah, sorry, that didn't work for me. David Bowie and Bing Crosby rule my Little Drummer Boy. Have you seen the video? Wonderfully eighties.



elizabeth said...

laundry. sigh. laundry and unpacking. one day our laundry will be done...

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