Monday, May 09, 2011

monday monday

Crazy business here this morning.  My daughter, the dancer is healing nicely.   We were up early - and she was doing Hot Yoga at 6am.  Hardcore.  I am still doing pilates and love it.  I'd go everyday if I could swing it financially. 

Yesterday was a good day - despite the lack of sunshine.  The garden was lovely and the tulips were still in bloom. 


Kassianni said...

I am LOVING the pink, the other colour combinations in your photos lately. they are gorgeous!

elizabeth said...

beautiful pictures. glad Pilates is working out for you.

MacrinaQuin said...

your colouring is fantastic, ramona. your photography also seems to have changed. it's got more character, now - it's full and alive. Not that it was flat and dead before, but there is something new in what you are doing. very feminine, actually. bold and gentle all at once.

Unknown said...

oh, I can't even tell you how your post images have given me peace this morning. thank you so so much.

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