Sunday, June 26, 2011

where we are

Provincial exams

studying for exams.  reluctantly.  so close to the end but not quite there yet.  applying for jobs.  hoping.  making plans for holidays and summer adventures.   rethinking the whole moving thing.  and building the darkroom.  polyfilling the dents in the walls.  gearing up for a major gutting of the teenager's rooms.
simplify.  try some pain meds.  do some yoga.  drink less alcohol.  and more water.   that would be pretty much no alcohol on the pain meds.  make some popsicles.  eat some tabouleh salad.  and more glory bowl.  pick some cherries.  sew something.  road trips.  hang out by the ocean.  laugh with my family.  write some letters.  read some books.  visit with friends.


elizabeth said...

and soon another summer; love to you.

Kassianni said...

like the last one. waaay overdue my friend!

Kassianni said...

wv: flaire

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

It feels like something big and exciting is about to happen.

Unknown said...

I commented on this earlier, but don't see that it took.
I am going to read all of your posts , soak up the glory of all your photos,
gaze in the direction you do,
feel your heart.
Hear the real.
I like real.

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