Monday, June 25, 2012

almost there

It is finally starting to feel like summer.  The morning is quiet.  The sky is blue.  Word on the street is that we will have about 4 good days.  No lunches need to be made.  No rushing around.  Only person I need to worry about getting anywhere is myself. 

The son has a driving test tomorrow.  Here is hoping that we can cross that goal off the summer list.  My daughter is still looking for a job and has an interview tomorrow afternoon. 

We had a bit of sunshine yesterday so I started to draft a summer to do list.  Also was inspired by this post here and created a central location for summer ideas. 

Strawberries are ready and ripe for the picking. 

1 comment:

Jane said...

Happy summer! May the skies stay blue all summer for you and yours! enjoy!

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