Tuesday, November 20, 2012

19-20th reflections and a random photo

Film fuji superior 400

There appears to be some high school stress.   Both 17 year old students need to complete a project called Grad Transitions - this is a requirement to graduate.  both are due at the end of the term which is rapidly approaching.  Which seems incredible to me.  Where exactly is the time going?  Plus we have essays and exams and just normal school stuff.  neither of my children is what you call of the academic bent... so the what happens after I graduate stress seems also to be on the rise.  topped off with I don't want any help + my life is my own + what does it matter anyway

I appear to be fending off some type of sickness.  Last night I felt the beginning of a sore throat and I am loathe to report that indeed it is still with me.  I really do not have time to get sick.  I have work to be done.  I need to be 100 % so I can rally my troops.

Cause we could all do with some rallying.  Even Mr. W is feeling a tad bit weighted down.  Now, it has been raining non stop for a couple of days.  Cold incessant rain.  The rain of the west coast.  Bleak. 

The situation in the middle east weighs on my heart.

There is some good news in that work continues to feel more and more comfortable and I am getting the rhythm of not only the days but the highs and lows of my new job.  I am going to try and take some more photos today.


blackbird said...

It is that time of year.
We never have an easy time in November.

elizabeth said...

hang in there; not easy; no beginning is easy; God is with us; light will come again... rain to spring, rain to green, rain to grow...

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