Wednesday, September 17, 2014

opa turns 80 - the photo shoot

My dad turned 80 on the 14th.  80 which means yes I am staring down the barrel at 50.  Crazy talk really.  I did not think I would live past the age of 36.  We three sisters headed home last weekend. Piled a ridiculous amount of luggage in the back of a borrowed Ford Flex and drove the 4.5 hours home to the Okanagan.  There was talk of how it was disappointing that our extended families were not with us.. our kids - our spouses - but to be perfectly frank - I was glad for the solo journey.  Less drama all around.

We made the requisite stop to fill up with cheaper gas and to indulge on something decidedly unhealthy for the trip home.  Made it in record time.  Crashed and awoke to full sun.  The weather could not have been better.  The pool was open and we just sat around all day reading our books and visiting.  At about 3pm I had everyone put on their requisite black shirt for some family photos.  My father indulged us as much as he could... and then we were off to celebrate with dinner.  Home to cake and us girls played a quick game of scrabble.

The next day we jumped in the pool for one last swim and headed back to the coast.  It was a very good weekend.


elizabeth said...

fun photos; glad you were able to have this time.

Kassianni said...

ah nice. I miss you friend. beautiful photos.

blackbird said...

gosh! those photos are radiant!

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