Monday, July 16, 2012

weekend report

had a bit of a weather shift on sunday - we were promised more thunderstorms which never did quite materialize but, definitely cooled off.  friday evening it was so hot there was not a lot sleep happening.

had a brief moment where I was certain I had broken my nose - but, I escaped with a bruise and I iced it frequently and avoided any black and blue eyes.  I had been tugging on a stretchy electric cord with large plug at the end.  just at that moment when I thought to myself this is probably not a good idea it came loose and nailed me between the eyes.  I am very fortunate I did  not take an eye out.  very.

this was after I completed an epic walk with my husband.  in the heat - through a mosquito infested path.  my quads are still recovering. 

managed to read my book
and pick up more library books
practice driving with both teens
some basic housekeeping chores
visit with sister in law who is visiting from Halifax
never did make it to the garden
where the lilies keep blooming
this is the first year they have produced so many flowers

made some mental shifts and ready to get back in the game this morning.


Kassianni said...

ouch! I'm glad you avoided black eyes at least. can you imagine how that work day would have gone?

MacrinaQuin said...

oiy! that sounds unpleasant.

have you recovered?

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