Monday, September 10, 2012

on the personal narrative and change

Today was not a particularly stellar day.   Full of self doubt.  Second guessing.  I hate second guessing.  I work very hard not to rethink a decision that has been made and effected.  Because, well it has been made.  You can't go back.  But, I can go forward.  I certainly am not standing still. 

I had it pretty good.  I had a safe job.  Lots of holidays.  Lots of sick time built up.  Was it secure?  Well not really.  But, it felt more secure than my new job feels right now.  I had an office with a door I could shut.  I knew what I was doing.  I had built up a good referral network and I was trusted.  But, I walked away from all of that.  I walked because I needed to do something different.  I needed to be engaged.  I need to remember that.

I was struggling.  I need to remember that too. 

And there are no guarantees in life.  I have this life to lead.  I am grateful I pushed on the doors and they opened.  I am glad I took the leap.  I will remember to breath.  

My word for this year is strength.  Kind of blows me away when I think of all the things I have experienced in 2012. 

Christina Rosalie tweeted this
If you long for it, lean towards it. 

I am surrounded by good folks who are full of encouraging words. Take risk.  Do not play it safe.
Dare to try.  Step up.  Show up.  Ship.

So.  I am. Going to make it work. 


Lindsey said...

I love that tweet. I need to remember this, often, also. Thanks for reminding me today. xox

Kassianni said...

your own giant leaps have encouraged me.

blackbird said...

I'm thinking of you while you make it work!

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